How to Host a Sustainable Event

Guidelines taken from Office of Sustainability’s Strategies To Green Your Campus Event page. 

Princeton University has a goal of reaching net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2046 in celebration of our 300th anniversary. Did you know that you can help? Here are some tips for making your event more sustainable and helping Princeton reach our goal.

  • Be considerate when scheduling your event spaces. Cancel your reservations for spaces you don’t end up using so that they aren’t unnecessarily heated/cooled and the lights are kept off.


  • Purchase sustainable food and beverage
  • Use a caterer that offers sustainable food and beverages by consulting our list of Caterers Ranked by Sustainability Criteria (coming soon!). 
  • Prioritize plant-based food and protein options (e.g., tofu, beans/lentils, etc.) that are local and/or sustainably produced.
  • Refrain when possible from offering red meat due to the significant environmental impact; when ordering meat, opt for humanely raised, antibiotic-free options. 
  • Provide filtered water in pitchers and consider infusing it with slices of organic fruit (“spa water”), and/or use signage to direct people to the nearest filtered water fountain.
  • Avoid single use food items.
    • Encourage participants to bring their own water bottles
    • Purchase a set of reusable catering supplies for your office if you frequently host the same style events (lunch and learns, happy hours, etc)


  • Be thoughtful about giveaways
    • When planning a giveaway, ask yourself these questions:
  • What is the purpose of the giveaway item(s)? What value does it bring to participants/attendees? If you were the one receiving it, how would you feel? Would you have a long-term use for it?
  • Who is receiving the item(s)? Do they have a choice to opt-in or out of receiving it?
  • Can the item(s) be sourced responsibly? Who makes the item, what is it made from, and where is it made?
  • How is the item(s) being shipped? Can it be done in a way to minimize carbon emissions?
  • Order items without dates printed on them so that they can be reused for annual events and don’t feel “dated”.
  • Reuse existing items (e.g., decorate past giveaways, screenprint past participants’ T-shirts, etc.).
  • If you end up with extra giveaway items that can not be utilized at a future event, consult the campus Zero Waste Guide for information about donating them or disposing of them sustainably.

This information is only a portion of the suggestions on the Office of Sustainability Strategies to Green Your Campus Event guide. We strongly encourage you to review the resources on their website and to reach out to their office for any guidance or suggestions.