How to Make and Set Up Signs

These are directions for making and placing directional signs around Princeton’s campus. These are specifically for the 11”x17” orange plastic sign holders available through the and Event Services office. If you need a large number of signs or would like to leave your signs up for longer than a few days then we suggest working with Print and Mail Services to design lawn signs. 

Making Signs 

There are two ways to make directional signage for Princeton’s campus. 

  1. Download the Sign Template from the Template section of the Toolkit and fill in your event information. 
  2. Make your signs using Word or a graphic design on your computer. 
    • Set your document size to 11”x17”, horizontal 
    • The first line of your sign should be the title of your event. Make this large enough to be seen from at least 10ft away and  bold it 
    • The following lines may vary but we suggest including 
      • The building and room location 
      • The date 
    • At the bottom of the page place any directional arrows. If using word then we suggest this arrow. A dark grey fill with a black outline creates an easy to follow shape.  
Gray arrow pointing right
This is an example of an arrow which works well on signage. 


​Assembling Signs 

  • After you have designed your signs, print them out on a heavy 11”x17” paper.  

  • Pick up your sign holders from and Event Services. The amount of holders available depends on the number of events happening on campus that day. Sign holders should be picked up 1-2 business days before an event and must be returned on the following business day. There is a fee for any signs not returned or intentionally damaged. 

  • Putting a sign in a holder: 

    • Pull the bottom edge of the orange film out and over the black backing. 

    • Slide the sign paper in between the black backing and orange film so that the wording on the sign is framed by the window in the orange film.  

    • Push orange film back behind the lip of the black backing to secure the sign 

    • Place the thin metal spokes of the signpost into the small round openings at the bottom of the sign. Carefully slide them up through the back of the sign to attach to the post 

Setting Up Signs 

  • When picking up your signs at Conference and Event Services, ask for a paper map that you can use to plot out a path for your signs. Sometimes it helps to walk the path yourself in order to identify where you will place your signs. 

  • Signs should be placed in areas where a participant would have to make a decision about which way to turn (such as an intersection) as well as in areas where a participant may need to be reassured that they are going the right way (such as on a long straight path).  

  • When you are placing your signs, remember that a participant should always be able to see the next sign ahead of them to assure them that they are on the right path. 

  • To put a sign in the ground, place the bottom two spokes of the signpost against the ground and put pressure on the crossbar using your foot to push it into the ground. 

  • Try to place signs on grassy or mulched areas for the easiest placement. 

  • If the ground is hard, move a few inches away from the road or pathway, the ground typically gets softer the further into the lawn that you are going.  

  • Pick up all signs immediately after your event.  

  • Signs can break, especially on windy days. Don’t worry if this happens to you however, please let the CES office know so that we can update our supply.