Oct. 20, 2021
Courtesy of Mibs Southerland
October 22, 1746 was Princeton’s Charter Day. In celebration of the 275th anniversary of that date, and as the first engagement effort of Venture Forward, Princeton alumni have planned a digital birthday party next Friday, October 22, called “Orange & Black Day.” We need your help to mark this milestone! Everyone in the Princeton community is invited to show your Princeton pride and spirit.
How can you participate?
- Dress in your best orange and black, take a photo or video and upload it to:
- alumni.princeton.edu/orangeandblack No social media presence is required.
- your social media channels, tagging @PrincetonAlumni using #Princeton275 and #TigersRising. Use the digital toolkit for GIFS, printable signs and Zoom backgrounds.
- Stop by the on-campus locations decorated with festive balloons and outfitted with fun props from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. to take your orange-and-black selfies. Get a free cookie, too!
- Locations include: The University’s central administrative building and the oldest building on campus. Built in 1756. Tigers, Firestone Library, Short for Frist Campus Center. A gathering place for the campus community; includes classrooms, faculty offices, lecture halls, performance spaces, student government offices, all undergraduate student mailboxes and package lockers, computer clusters, meeting spaces,a variety of retail dining services, and a ticket office. Frist also provides diverse programming for the campus community. Frist and Frick sound similar but are two separate buildings. Campus Center and The University gymnasium used for intramural and recreational athletic activities. Schedule permitting, the basketball courts may be used for large event space. Gym
- Follow @PrincetonAlumni Instagram, Facebook and Twitter channels every day and especially on October 22.
- Share the news widely. All students, faculty, staff and alumni are encouraged to participate.