Updated Event Guidance - 11/30/21

Dec. 2, 2021

The University updated their Gatherings and Events Guidance as of November 30th, 2021. The new guidance includes the following temporary restrictions for undergraduate student events

  • From November 30 until December 22, 2021 large-scale indoor undergraduate student social gatherings (defined as gatherings, events, and meetings that are not classroom instruction, not held for academic reasons, and/or not organized or overseen by an instructor) on or off campus that anticipate more than 75 people attending will be or have already been postponed or cancelled. These events include but are not limited to Class and Eating Club formals, WinterFest, and large parties, including the currently scheduled Skate Night at Baker Rink. 
  • Indoor undergraduate student organization social gatherings with 20-75 students attending must be registered at https://clever.princeton.edu(link is external) and must identify and have in attendance student monitors who will be trained by ODUS to ensure compliance with mask and other public health rules. 
  • Outdoor gatherings of no more than 100 people are permitted but must be registered at https://clever.princeton.edu(link is external).  We recommend using face coverings when physical distancing is impossible. Outdoor events including 75–100 people must provide outdoor restroom facilities, contracted by the event’s organizers. No indoor facilities may be used as an alternative.
    • NOTE: Tents are not considered outdoor spaces unless at least two sides are fully open.
  • Gatherings in undergraduate student dormitory rooms or suites or off-campus residences may not exceed 20 people.
  • Student performance arts groups will be permitted to proceed with their already scheduled performances following the guidance in General Guidelines for Aerosol-Producing Performing Arts.
  • This does not include gatherings, events, or meetings that are for classroom instruction, held for academic reasons, and/or organized or overseen by an instructor.
  • This does not include gatherings of staff or faculty where students are invited.
  • There are no additional restrictions for gatherings, events, and meetings of faculty, staff, or graduate students. 


There are no further restrictions on all other events however it is suggested that departments rethink large indoor social gatherings for the safety and comfort of participants. Please reach out to the A formal meeting in which many people gather in order to talk about ideas or problems related to a particular topic, usually for one or more days. Is often advertised to a targeted audience, however can be open to the public and generally includes a registration process. and Event Services department at [email protected] if you have any questions about upcoming events.