Reunions 2023: New Process for Making Space Reservations

Feb. 22, 2023

From: University Advancement, Alumni Engagement, Held on the weekend preceding Commencement, this unique event brings approximately 18,000 alumni and family members to the campus each spring. Department


Tigers of every generation — an estimated 26,000 attendees — return to campus every year for Princeton Reunions. In recent years, the number of events sponsored by alumni and student groups and University departments has grown to more than 350 offerings, requiring greater coordination for a large-scale event. The ability for the Reunions team to manage the space reservation process is essential to accommodate the numerous space requests and to capture event details for the comprehensive listing of events in the official Reunions Can refer to an area of study or a set of grouped co-curricular activities designed to achieve a specific educational curriculum or experience. May also refer to digital or printed programs connected to an event, conference, etc. (print program, Reunions website, event app). Event details are also shared with University service providers and the Department of Public Safety.


  • All campus partners requesting space during Reunions are required to use the Reunions “template” which will open during the week of February 6th on the Event Management System. System of record for all space reservations on campus (including classes, exams, and events, conferences, meetings, etc.). Web App. The information captured will provide event details for the official Reunions printed and online program of events -
  • Requests already submitted or confirmed during Reunions do not need to be re-submitted or re-confirmed. Please note: Event planners will need to provide additional event information for the official Reunions program. Instructions from A formal meeting in which many people gather in order to talk about ideas or problems related to a particular topic, usually for one or more days. Is often advertised to a targeted audience, however can be open to the public and generally includes a registration process. and Event Services will be shared directly with the reservation contact.
  • Requests for “A Registrar” spaces, University Services managed spaces, or any outdoor spaces will be reviewed and approved by the Reunions team. Spaces will be re-assigned, as necessary. (Note, tented events are subject to a site-usage fee through the Facilities Grounds team) 
  • The Reunions team will partner with EMS Space Managers to confirm events requested in department-controlled spaces. As always, priority will be given to departmental-sponsored programs.


Thank you for your partnership and flexibility as we work to welcome back all alumni. If you have questions about the space-reservation process for a Reunions event, please contact Reunions Event Spaces at [email protected]

For questions about processing requests in EMS or about the Reunions template, please contact [email protected].

Tutorials for reserving space using the EMS may be found under EMS User Guides